Cuddling with your little pug is one of the most amicable feelings to experience. But you know what’s annoying? Snoring. And pugs snore a lot. While there are a hundred things to love about pugs, their snoring is intolerable.
If you are a pug parent and want to stop your pooch from snoring, you’ve come to the right place. This article will guide you on why pugs snore and how you can fix this problem.
Why Do Pugs Snore?
It is not uncommon for dogs to snore or snort, but it is not a characteristic behavior in almost all breeds. However, snoring and snorting are huge parts of a pug’s personality. Pugs are heavy sleepers, and as they fall deeper into sleep, their snoring gets louder.
It is not uncommon for any pug owner to go through a sleepless night because of the mind-numbing volume that pugs snore at. But before you get mad about the pooch snoring loudly, let us look into why he snores in the first place.
Faulty Breeding
It turns out it is not your pooch’s fault. Pugs snore because years of evolution have done them wrong and built them this way. They are a brachycephalic dog breed. This means that they have a flat face, and this plays a huge role in their snoring.
Pugs were bred to have a brachycephalic skull because that made them look adorable. The flat structure of their face is the signature look that makes pugs so popular. However, this is not the best thing that happened to the breed from a health perspective.
Being brachycephalic poses many health issues, including repertory issues for pugs. To fit into their small skull, pugs developed small noses and nostrils. Resultingly, breathing through those small nostrils becomes difficult.
If you observe your pug sleeping for an extended period, you might even see him gasp for air in this sleep. If you think it is a result of a dream, that is not true. Gasping for air and snoring are both results of not getting enough air while sleeping. Neither is that something to get mad about nor is it adorable. It’s uncomfortable for the pooch.
Related: What Were Pugs Bred For?
Pug’s Snoring Triggers
Let us understand what snoring is and why it happens. Snoring is nothing but the sound of vibrations in the respiratory system. There are many reasons why such vibrations might occur, and none of them look too good for the snorer.
Poor Sleeping Position
Pugs are more likely to snore if they sleep on their back. Sleeping in this position makes it very difficult for them to get proper access to air. If your pug is sleeping in this position and snoring loudly, try to reposition him, and you will see positive results.
Genetical Respiratory Issues
The biggest reason why pugs snore is because of their genetics and breeding. Their brachycephalic skulls make it difficult for them to breathe, and there’s nothing that they can do about it.
Respiratory Allergies
Pugs have susceptible respiratory systems. Therefore, they are incredibly vulnerable to allergies. If your pug has been around too much dust, grass, or even certain foods, there is a strong chance that they will have an allergic reaction. Such reactions can make them snore.
Old Age
If your pug is over six years old, let the pup be the way he is. It is due to old age that his snoring might have got louder lately. In this case, all you should do is to make them a nice and comfortable bed that gives them enough support as they sleep.
Pugs are not the fittest dog breeds out there. It is very common for pugs to be obese. If your pug is overweight, some chances are what is increasing his snoring. Try to put your pup on a diet and get them some exercise to help them lose weight.
There are other reasons why pugs might snore loudly. Some of the reasons are listed below.
- Obstructions in airflow
- Swollen sinuses
- Common cold
- Side effects of medicines
How to Stop a Pug’s Snoring
Now that you know what causes pugs to snore and what makes their snoring louder let’s see how you can control it. We say control because there is absolutely nothing that you can do to stop a pug’s snoring. It is a respiratory problem they face due to the way they were bred, and unfortunately, it’s here to stay.
There are, however, some things you can do to reduce the problem to a significant level. Follow the given tips to make sure that you are able to help your pug breathe better while they are sleeping.
Move Him
Moving your pug is the simplest way to stop them from snoring. However, this is a very temporary solution. Moving will make your pug stop snoring for a short while, but it will take them only a few minutes to start snoring again.
Change Your Pug’s Sleeping Position
The position that your pug is sleeping in makes a huge impact on how they can breathe. As mentioned above, if a pug is sleeping on his back, the snoring volume will be maximum. Therefore, shifting your dog’s sleeping position might help you reduce the snoring a little bit.
Give Them a Sleeping Pillow
Most of the time, when pugs are asleep, their airways get blocked due to the angle that their face is at. Elevating their head to a height of about four inches from their entire body will free their airways by moving the tongue and jaw forward.
You will see that pugs naturally like to sleep with their head lifted as well. Most time, pugs sleep with their paws tucked under their heads. While this much elevation does not help them much, it does give you a clue to what they require.
Make Sure That Their Bed Has Raised Sides
Pugs like to shift positions while they sleep. While you can prop them against a pillow as they are falling asleep, there is no guarantee that they will sleep the same way throughout the night. Therefore, it is a wonderful idea to add luxury to your dog’s sleeping experience by giving them a bed that has elevated sides. This way, if their head falls off the pillow, they can rest it on the side.
Get Them a Small and Round Bed
Most people would want their pugs to sleep in luxury and want them to have as much sleeping space as they want. However, giving them a round bed is the luxury that they need. If the pugs curl up, the pressure from their esophagus is significantly reduced. Therefore, they have more room to breathe in and out.
Let Air Circulation Not be a Problem
There is no doubt that stuffy rooms make breathing difficult for just about anyone. Therefore, if your pug is sleeping in a warm and stuffy room, you’re going to hear much louder snoring. Make sure that some cross-ventilation is possible in the room. This will allow your pug to have access to fresh air as they sleep.
Keep the Air Moist
Dry air makes breathing difficult because it dries and irritates the membranes in the dog’s respiratory organs. Drying up of a dog’s nose and throat is undoubtedly going to make them snore loudly. Therefore, make sure that you have a fan or a humidifier running in your room. This will allow your pooch to sleep comfortably and snore less.
Related: Are Pugs Good With Kids?
Don’t Subject Your Pug to Second-Hand Smoke
Just like humans, dogs are negatively affected by cigarette smoke as well. When your pug intakes smoke, the tobacco-induced air damages their nose and throat membranes. The chances of your dog producing more phlegm in their throat increase multifold. This phlegm puts pressure on the dog’s air passages and makes breathing an even more difficult thing to do.
Another more subtle effect of second-hand smoking should be noticeable. If you smoke inside, the room is going to fill with smoke, and that will suffocate your dog. It would help if you never smoked inside, especially in the presence of your pug.
Keep Their Environment Clean
There are two things you need to take care of in this respect. Make sure that your pug’s bed linen is always clean. Along with that, make sure that the sir around them is always clean. This is a crucial step to prevent allergies.
Pugs are most likely to pick allergies from pollen or other air-borne irritants. They will then sit or sleep in their bed, covering the linen with pollutants. Therefore, cleaning the bed linen regularly will reduce their chances of catching allergies.
Check for Nasal or Oral Infections
Any nasal or oral infection can increase snoring. This is because when the mouth or nose are irritated, it is more likely that your pug cannot breathe easily. The higher the breathing problem, the more the snoring.
Infections can cause blockages within the air-tracts of your pooch. Therefore, whatever little air they are taking in from their nostrils will not reach their lungs adequately. This will cause them to gasp for more air through snoring.
If your dog’s snoring is louder than usual and is accompanied by sneezing or a runny nose, you must consult a vet.
Keep a Check on Their Airway Passages
Sometimes you might see that your pug might snore even when he is awake. This snoring is caused due to some severe blockages in your pooch’s airway passages. These blockages might not allow air to let in properly, so the pug has to struggle to get some air in.
There is another sign of airway blockage that you should look for. If you notice that your pug has stopped snoring out of nowhere, do not rejoice. That is also something to be worried about. It is possible that your pug is not snoring because he cannot breathe through this nose at all. Objects such as grass in the nose can cause significant respiratory issues ad, even tumors.
Keep Up Your Pug’s Oral Hygiene
This might sound vague at first, but if you think about it, your dog’s oral hygiene affects the way they breathe. Many issues, such as abscesses and decay, can make the airflow get blocked. Make sure that you check your pug’s teeth and gums regularly and take him to a vet if something seems amiss.
Consult a Vet
If you can see other signs of allergies, make sure that you rush to a vet. Even if you do not suspect allergies but the snoring is getting louder, make sure that you get your pooch tested. Regular visits to the vet will help you catch any major respiratory issues before they cause too many problems to your pug.
Getting frequent allergy tests will also give you an idea of your dog’s general health. Getting them frequently is necessary is because pugs can catch allergies from just about anything, and they are tough to see.
Prevent Obesity
An important thing that needs to be addressed while addressing pugs’ breathing problems is their weight. If your pug is overweight, all the extra weight will add additional pressure on the soft palate and pharynx. Therefore, your dog will have a more challenging time breathing than the other pugs around him.
You must make sure that your puppy has a healthy lifestyle that does not pressure any of his respiratory organs. You can set your pug on a healthy and acceptable diet to reduce weight.
Keep Them Moving
Following a healthy lifestyle has many benefits for your pooch. Not only will take keep the pug in shape, but it will also better their breathing mechanisms. Only a 30-minute walk is enough to keep your pug active.
Related: Are Pugs Hyper?
Wrapping Up
There is no doubt that pug snoring can be annoying at times. However, there is only a limit to which that snoring can be adorable. Snoring is an inevitable problem with the way pugs are bred, and there is nothing that can be done to do away with it completely. However, there are a few things you can do to ease the volume. Solving snoring issues in pugs is essentially solving the breathing issues they have while sleeping.